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Growing kids…in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:52)


Wednesday Nights  | 6:30 - 7:30 PM 

Ages 3-11(5th Grade)

Foundations is designed to engage children through a biblical and interactive program. It is designed to teach our children the basic principles of the Christian faith. During this time kids will learn the truth of the gospel, memorize scripture, and practice the discipline of prayer. Through games and songs, we are able to engage each age group with the "Foundations" of the Christian faith. We understand that families with children are vital to the church, so we desire to make every effort to offer a ministry that is more than just an entertaining program. Our aim is to lay the "Foundations" of the faith for all children at Fairway. 


If you would like more information about this ministry, please feel free to contact our Children's Minister, Sam Lamberti




sunday school

Sunday mornings  |  9:30 AM


Though we believe that our best efforts or even perfect parenting can't save our children, we believe we have a special responsibility as parents and Christians to teach our children in the way they should go. Our desire is to shepherd our children, to be good stewards of our time with them, to be loving and intentional parents, and to train them to be followers of Christ. All the while pleading with God to rescue their hearts.


Toddlers - 3rd graders are going through the Explore the Bible curriculum.

4th - 5th graders are working through a Precept Kids study on the Gospel of John.



Sunday School


Sunday Mornings - During Most Scheduled Church Events


Our nursery area is designed to provide a clean and safe environment for children as parents participate in our worship service, Bible studies, and other ministries.

Our nursery and children’s areas are staffed by volunteers who have been appropriately trained and have passed background checks. In addition, we have secure check-in and check-out procedures to ensure the safety of all children.

We believe that children are never too young to begin learning about the God who created them.  And so, in addition to free play, children will participate in age appropriate curriculum and music specifically designed to begin teaching them core biblical truths.

For more information about our nursery area, our security and cleaning procedures, or to tour the children’s ministry area, contact our church office.

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